Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 12 of 2012

 I've seen some of these posts floating around the blogosphere, and it inspired me to do one of my own. So, I sat down and muddled through my posts for 2012 and found the 12 posts from My {not so} Glamorous Life that got the most page views.
The following 12 links were my most popular blog posts of the year. Click the links to visit the post:

#12) Fun Friday: Let's Get Messy! was a post where we played with Shaving Cream Paint.

#11) DIY Dishwasher Soap, with only 3 ingredients!

#10) Upcycled Bill Box/Mail Holder was a fun and fast project that I still use every day.

#9) In which I made some DIY Baby Shower Decorations for my sister's shower.

#8) This was what I made for Teacher Appreciation Week Gifts.

#7) Let me show you why I have Food on my Face and how I'm saving money on facial cleansers.

#6) Sharing my heart with a Love Letter to The Hubs.

#5) Silly memories of my {not so} glamorous family in our Family Photo Shoot.

#4) How to make a beautiful crib mobile from an old one with my Crib Mobile Makeover!

#3) I have four words for you: Salted Caramel Cake Pops.

#2) One time, I found a crummy plant hanger in my yard, and turned it beautiful.

And the most viewed post of My {not so} Glamorous Life in 2012 was...
#1) No Sew "Baby Legs"!!!

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