In only a few more days, I'll be back in the world of complete and utter insanity.
Rushing kids to get ready and out the door five days a week. Shuffling three kids off to three school locations, juggling Dr. appts and therapy schedules, volunteer days at school, board obligations, homework... Can't summer just last a little bit longer?
Like... forever? No? Fine, then excuse me while I go hide in a closet somewhere and pout.
Or... I guess I could just take these last few days of Summer vacation and squeeze every last drop of joy from them. I just can't decide if I should use this last week to relax as much as possible. Or if I should use it to have fun adventures with the kids, since we didn't "do" much all Summer.
On Friday I wrote about a few projects I would be sharing with you. Here is one of them.
Last week I became irritated with the place where I was storing mail and bills. It wasn't a great location, and it was sort of hard to keep in order and to get to when I needed to. I decided that I needed to change it. I remembered that in my sons class, they would use old juice pouch boxes to create their "mailboxes" for the Valentine's Day celebration. So, while it's not going to be super heavy duty, that's what I decided to use for my bill box.
I started by selecting my scrapbook papers in coordinating colors (I used happy, bright colors, so offset the not so happy and brightness of the bills that will be filling it!). Then I simply wrapped the box in a similar fashion as a gift.
Once I was finished wrapping it, I created a label for it on the computer. I sent the label off to be printed at Staples. Once I got it home, I applied it to my box. Then I mounted the box near my desk and filled it up with all those dreaded pieces of mail. At least it's pretty.

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