
Monday, November 5, 2012

90 days to a healthier me starts now!

Many of you know that my weight/health has been a struggle for me for a long time.Well, basically forever. If you aren't familiar with my struggle, you can see that I posted about it here most recently, and here and long ago, in a place I can barely remember (I was down to 126lbs),  here.
At this moment, I am the heaviest I've ever been in my adult life (besides pregnancy) and I don't like it. I feel sluggish and slow and tired. Yet... At the same time, I feel like I don't care. This is not a healthy way to live. Change needs to happen, and it needs to happen soon.
Recently, a friend of mine posted on Facebook that he and some others were doing the 90 Day Challenge. I asked him what that was all about, and he shared with me that him and his wife, along with some others, had started a program called Body by Vi, by Visalus. He shared some info and a video with me, and I was very intrigued. Yes, it's "another shake program", but these shakes are different than many other ones I've seen. They have a good protein and fiber content, so that will fill you up and keep you full. When he told me that his wife (who doesn't like "diet shakes") was doing it, and actually enjoyed the shakes, I knew that it was worth considering. So I read some more about it. And then I asked him for a sample. Then I decided that I trusted them and didn't need to wait for a sample, so I just went ahead and ordered the kit! (My friend was gracious enough to give me a bag so I could get started while waiting for my kit to arrive. Once mine is here, I'll replace the bag I borrowed from them.)
So yesterday I started my 90 Day Challenge. I took some before pictures (YIKES!!!) and my before weight/measurements. I wont post the before pics, as they are in a pair of boy shorts and a sports bra. But perhaps I should take some that would be more appropriate for sharing...

My 1st Shake!
Then I got started on the program. The shakes are YUMMY! And you can modify them to your tastes by adding fruit/veggies and other ingredients. Awesome. That'll keep me from getting bored. Plus, you still get 3 snacks a day on this program, and a healthy dinner. Totally doable.
Today I will start walking again. I should be able to carve out time for that at least 5 days a week. I plan on starting with just the walking for a week or two, and then adding more to it. Baby steps people, baby steps!
So please join me on my new journey and watch as I transform over the next 90 days. I'm excited!
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