
Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Mom Celebrated Her 1st Birthday Yesterday

Yep. You read the title correctly. Nope, it wasn't a typo. Yesterday was a day to celebrate a life. That's what a birthday is, right?
Well, yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the day that my mom was given life. She was given life for the 2nd time at UCLA's Jonsson Comphrehensive Cancer Center, when she received the Stem Cell Transplant that saved her life. What a blessing we've been given! (You can read the story of my mom here and here, and here).
This gigantic deal, this huge event, that marked my mom's "New Birthday", all happened in a few moments. It seems like something that would take longer than 10-20 minutes. And really, it did, as there was a lot of time spent preparing for it, and recovering from it. But the actual procedure, it was short and sweet. 
Following the transplant, the hospital brought her a birthday cake and sang happy birthday. It was so joyful!
I was able to snap this photo on my phone while we were singing Happy Birthday to her after the transplant. The quality of the photo isn't fabulous, but the image itself... well, it speaks volumes.
So yesterday, I was very happy to celebrate the blessing of my mom, and the procedure that gave her new life.
Happy Birthday Mom!!!

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