
Friday, November 2, 2012

Semi-Homemade Halloween

Hello friends! I hope that you all had a great Halloween. Did you Trick~or~Treat with your kiddos? Did you stay home and have movie night? Do you have any Halloween Night traditions?
I just wanted to quickly share with you our mostly homemade Halloween costumes for this year. I didn't want to go spend $40+ on store costumes this year, plus, my middle kiddo wanted to be "Agent P" and there was NO  "Agent P" costumes to be found. So we took the homemade route this year.
Big Boy was a Baseball Player Zombie. EasyPeasy. He already has his baseball clothes, and my uncle works at Halloween City, so he took him down there and they picked up the makeup together. I didn't spend a dime on Big Boys costume this year! WhooHooo!

Little Boy went as "Agent P" aka Perry the Platypus from the show Phineas and Ferb. He's obsessed. I had to piece this costume together, but I think it turned out ok. His was the most expensive of the three, running me about $40.00 total. But $20.00 of it was the two hats (fedora, and beanie) that he will get a lot of future use out of.

Little Lady was a Garden Fairy.  With a little help from Target and the 99¢ Only Store, her costume ran me about $8.00 total.

And finally, I'd like to share a quick glimpse of my last minute Halloween mantel. I literally waited until 2 days before Halloween to put this together, so I feel like it turned out pretty good for being an afterthought.
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