
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Getting More (Produce) Bang for Your Bucks!

There have been several times here on the blog where I've shared with you how I use the 99¢ Only store to supplement my regular grocery shopping. (Here and Here)
Today I want to share with you what a valuable asset the 99¢ Only (and other similar retailers) can be when it comes to buying produce.
Just LOOK at all of this great produce!! Last week I put a huge dent in my produce shopping at the 99¢ store, and all of this cost me just a fraction of what I'd pay at the regular grocery retailer. I purchased a watermelon, a container of Artisan lettuce, strawberries (1lb), 3 bell peppers, 2 (1 lb) bags of green beans, a bag of sweet peppers, a 3 pack of zucchini, a twin pack of yellow squash, and a bag of carrot chips and only paid about $12.00 for all of that!
All of it was good, fresh produce. None of it was over/under ripe.
The other weekend, I made these Stuffed Sweet Pepper Poppers using the sweet peppers, and still had some left, and the same night we polished off that watermelon. The rest of the produce was used through the week.
So next time you're on a tight budget, remember that you don't have to compromise healthy eating due to lack of funds. There are avenues for getting more produce for your dollar.
Do you have a 99¢ Only Store or other "dollar retailer" near you? Do you utilize it?
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