
Friday, October 5, 2012

This is your brain on parenting... Any Questions?

Friday!! It's finally here! I am so done with this week. I've had a very challenging week in the "parenting" department. For the most part, my kids were well behaved, so thank God that made it easier.  But I just had to make so many appointments, and be so many places, and make so many choices. I'm tapped out here. So please pardon my lack of a "real" post today.

I'm sure that ALL of you remember this commercial (and if you don't... please don't tell me, because then you are probably very nice, and young, and fresh, and I hate your guts I'm jealous of your energy.):

But I really think that the narrative should say:
"This is your brain."
"This is your brain on parenting."
"Any questions?"

I dunno... maybe they could use it as an ad for birth control, energy drinks or Ginkgo Biloba supplements, or something?  Because My. Brain. Is. Fried. this week. Any questions?

Please tell me that there have been times when you can relate?!

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