
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

Well, what do you know? It's Wednesday again! Time for a round up of greatness to get us through the day and over the hump!

A few things I love this week:

Pumpkin Spice Caramel Corn.
Seriously, people. This junk is tasty! {And not TERRIBLE in the calorie department either.} I picked some up at Target yesterday. I'm glad that I did! You should probably grab a bag or twenty for yourself also.

The next thing I love right now are these Pumpkin Muffins. So what if it's 102 degrees outside right now? It's technically Fall, and I have a new oven, so I made them, darnit! I was on Pinterest, and found this great recipe pinned from Sweet Verbena. So yummy. I'm looking forward to trying some variations of this recipe too!

And here's a recipe for Slow Cooker Pumpkin Butter from Baked Bree that I can't wait to try!! It looks so delicious, and easy peasy! (Oh, and I'm obsessed with both pumpkin and apple butter, so why not make my own?)

I am also loving this post about "Manager Meetings" from Kinda Crazy Semi-Organic. It's certainly something that I will consider. Starting... NOW!!

SUPER LOVE this blog post The Mom Stays In The Picture. Heartfelt and beautiful.

Next, I LOVE that Saturday is the Worldwide Day of Play!!! What's that mean? GO PLAY!! Young and old and everyone in between are encouraged to get out and PLAY on Saturday. So, What will you do?!
Image Source

And finally, I will leave you with this commercial that I just adore.

Have a great Hump Day my friends! (and if you don't care for pumpkin stuff, then it turns out that this post wasn't for you, huh?)
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