
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Computer Room: Progress Report #3

It has been quite a long time since I last shared with you the progress on my computer room. There hasn't been a great deal of change since the last post, but just a few touches here and there that are making me more and more pleased with it as I go along. I still have plenty I'd like to do in there, but for right now, here is where we're at. Some of the photos below ask YOU to help me with some opinions!

At this point, I want to put a curtain on the door, something fun and colorful. Paint the door to the garage (but can't decide what color!), paint the bench (again, can't decide on a color!), and make/hang a cute bunting. Put up a few more wall hangings, I think. I want this room to look fun! All in good time.
What are your opinions on door and bench colors??

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