
Friday, July 27, 2012

Fun Friday! A little of this, a little of that...

It's Friday, it's Friday! WhooHooo! That means I get my husband home with me for two days in a row! I like that guy...
I left him a note this morning. He gets up super early to leave for work. Before the sunshine even. Sometimes I like to hand write him notes rather than texting him. It feel more personal, ya know? Do you ever leave handwritten letters to your other half?

Yesterday, one of my best friends stopped by with some birthday gifts for me. Yay for presents!! And not only the gifts, but a tasty Snickerdoodle cupcake as well!

And, I have to say... Only the very best kind of friend can buy you all of your favorite movies without even having to ask you what they are. Awesome gift I tell ya, awesome!

The Boys are being SUPER lazy today. I think they didn't sleep last night. I have nocturnal Boys, I guess, because they just don't want to wake up today.  It would seem that they are taking advantage of my liberal stand on betimes over summer vacation. Guess I'll have to stop being so liberal...
That's putting a damper on my plans, but I'll just roll with it.

But the fabulous news today is that I ordered the Chevron Skirt I've been drooling over from Old Navy this morning! I also got Little Boy two new shirts for Kinder, and my soon-to-be-born niece a new shirt. And all for $39 including the tax & shipping. What a steal!!
What are you up to today my friends? Any big plans for the weekend?
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