
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What I Love Wednesday (FIRST EVER! New Feature)

Hello Friends! This week I have been thinking about my blog a bit, and I've decided to give "Menu Monday's" an indefinite break. It doesn't seem that most of my readers are drawn to those posts, and what I really want to do here, is give you something fun to read!
I've been toying with a few ideas, and I think that I've settled on this; What I Love Wednesday. Why? Well, as we all know Wednesday is "hump day". It's the day of the week where we are at the top of that uphill slope, and we just need to get over that hump and we'll be heading towards the weekend. Whether the weekend means you get a few days off of work, or that you get a few days to spend with your husband, most of us look forward to the weekend. So to give us all something fun to help us as we get over "the hump", I bring to you What I Love Wednesdays.
This new feature will include an eclectic compilation of things that have made me smile, are pretty, are fun, are intriguing, or anything else that I deem "share~worthy" here on my happy little blog.
So join me wont you?
Welcome to the first ever, What I Love Wednesday!
I am loving this poster. I ordered it for my mantle, along with a nice poster frame, and I can't wait to get it delivered!
Available from Walmart
I am loving this Chevron-Stripe Skirt, because it looks lady like and classy, yet oh~so~comfy, AND inexpensive!
Available from Old Navy
I am Loving Lexy Taylor Photography, a budding husband/wife photography team with great prices and beautiful photographs!
Lexy Taylor Photography (that would be my sweet Little Lady in the photo)
I am LOVING the idea of "Survival Kits" as a fun gift that can be super personalized, and inexpensive! Here's a great one for new mommy's in the hospital (pictured below), and here is a list of many different "Survival Kit" ideas that you can use for inspiration! Truly, the possibilities are endless!
Hospital Survival Kit by Jen at "My Own Road"

And finally, this blog post from Growing A Jeweled Rose is so fabulous. 100 Things You Can Purchase from the Dollar Tree and Use in Play. Remember my friends, it's OKAY to get messy and play with your kids. And you can do it for next to nothing!
I made this Cloud Dough with dollar store supplies!

There you have it! A handful of things that I am loving this week. Do you love any of the stuff I shared? Tell me what you loved!
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