
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh Look, Something Shiny!!! A Summer Mantle, and No Reading Nook

Whoa. I'm so scatterbrained today. I want to share with you a few minutes in my head here. The thought process is absurd, even to me. And they are my thoughts. Really.

"I wish I was in Indianapolis right now. I miss my people. This sucks. Hmmm... I should get a few more ad spots for the blog in July. I'll add a few potential blogs to my list. Oh look, my favorite blogger, Angie put a new post up today. *Reading her post, reading her post, reading her post* I should text my mom that I love her (so I do). She texts me back asking if want to go do yoga with her and my sister at a church tonight. *Train of thought shifts, again* Oh, I'm going to Google "political parties in the U.S.". Read about Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian Parties on Wiki. Oh wow, look at Big Boy dance a jig while he licks Nutella off of his fingers. That's funny. I wonder how much Nutella is on the kitchen floor right now?"

What?!?! Yep, that was all in my head within just a few short minutes. No wonder I can't manage to get anything done around here. Sheesh! So random.
Today I had been planning to write about the reading nook that I have been working on for my Little Boy. It's coming together very nicely, and since he's not "too cool", it's way better than the reading nook in Big Boy's room. But it was in less than desirable condition for photographing today, so I opted to post about something else.
Obviously my train of thought was not in a good place for having to think of something new.
In any case, I'll share my summer mantle with you all.

Recently, I did give my mantle a little bit of a new look, but I wanted to dress it up a little for Summer. I found a lovely FREE Summer Printable Subway Art on Pinterest, and just knew that it had to go up on my mantle. I downloaded it and had it printed at Staples. It cost me $.98 to get printed, and the quality was way better than I could have done with my home printer. It came out great.

Then, I picked up a frame at the 99¢ Only Stores (my favorite!) and spray painted it with some of the leftover paint I had from a teacher gift I did last month.
I went to Ross and found a gorgeous twine wrapped vase, for only $2.99! I keep seeing this trend on Pinterest, and while it's a little outside of my normal decorating style, I decided to go for it (because it was Soooooo cheap!) and really like the results.

 So overall, with the printable, the frame, and the vase, my Summer mantle cost me $4.96. Not bad! I'm considering making a bunting similar to this one as well, but it might be Fall by the time I get around to it...
I'm sure that I'll nickel and dime this project until for the next month or two, but for today, I figured I'd share.
Do you have a summer mantle?


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