Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Long time no blog...

Wow... the months have passed by in a blur and I have virtually forgotten my blog. So, here I am, moseying my way back. So much has happened since I last wrote in April. And nothing at all has happened since April. Okay, scratch that... a lot has gone on.

In May, for Mother's Day, we went to an Angel's game together as a family. It was, by far, one of my most enjoyable Mother's Day's ever. I relished the family outing, and enjoyed seeing the wonder in the eyes of my children as they went to their very first MLB game. It was the greatest!

Also in May, my boys turned 5 and 2, respectively. What big boys now! They had a joint birthday party, and that worked out nicely for both us, and the other parts of our family. We all had a great time that day, and had a fantastic cake, thanks to Grammy.

In June, we went to another Angels game. We also took our first EVER family trip to Disneyland *SQUEAL*. Celebrated my mom's birthday, celebrated Father's Day and celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. WOW! What a month of celebrations! Also, the boys and I took a trip to the beach with my Grandma, so we could welcome Summertime!

In July, we had a fun Independence Day celebration at my parent's house then went to the local university for a FANTASTIC fireworks show! On the weekend of The Hub's birthday, we were camping. Then 2 weeks later, we celebrated my birthday.

August arrived... and... OUR FIRST BABY started Kindergarten! Ack!!
Also, The Hubs and I went to an Angels game kids~free. That was fun!

Also, in August, we had several BBQ's, celebrated summertime, swam a lot, took the kids bowling for the first time ever :) And The Hubs worked nights. Blah.

So, that about get's us through the summer months. I will blog again (and soon) with the Fall months. It's been fun so far!!!