
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blog Angel Finale ~ A little late...

A few weeks ago I posted my Blog Angel reveal post where I shared that Myranda at Pretty Living PDX was my match for the Blog Angels match up.

I've had a lot of fun working to be Myranda's Blog Angel, and I hope she feels like it was worthwhile. I've enjoyed sharing her posts via Twitter, and actively reading her blog and commenting too. I look forward to an ongoing relationship with Myranda in our blogging world.
If you haven't been to her blog, you'd better get over there before you miss all the fun! 
Have you "liked" me on Facebook yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Get over there!
Are you following My {Not So} Glamorous Life via Google Friend Connect or BlogLovin'? Don't miss any of the fun! All you have to do is click "follow" on that button over there on the sidebar. Or Follow my blog with Bloglovin. Just click here!! C'mon, you know you wanna!
I can also be found on Twitter under the handle @MyNotSoGlamLife