
Monday, September 24, 2012

Good Reading Will Make Any Day More Tolerable (Even Monday's!)

Hello! I hope that everyone had a great weekend, and that Monday takes it easy on all of you today. Think you could use some help drudging through the torture transition that is Monday? Well, I have the help you need. Good reading will make any day more tolerable!
Today I am going to share with you a couple of simply fabulous ladies. (The blogosphere is full of fabulous ladies, isn't it?)

I'd like to first introduce you to Myranda from Pretty Living PDX. If you don't know her yet, you should. In following her blog, I have found that as a Mother, and a Wife, and a Woman, I can really relate to many of her posts. She's got a lovely family, and some lovely things to say, so what are you waiting for? Go check her out!
I asked Myranda to say a few words for my readers, here was her response: "Hello lovelies my name is Myranda and I blog over at Pretty Living PDX, I blog about family life, my weight loss and anything else that suits my fancy.  I would love for you to join the Pretty Living PDX community, come say hi and let's be blog buddies!"
Myranda isn't hard to find. She's active in all aspects of her blog/social networking, so feel free to find her at all of the following places:

Haaaaaaaave ya met Whitney? She blogs over at Sippy Cups and Pearls, and I have to say, I just love her blog. From the title of her blog, to her witty and fun posts, this is a blogger that you don't want to be missing out on. She embraces every moment in life, from the "pearl moments" to the "sippy cup moments", she makes them all count! Also, she loves her Weenie dogs (like me!!), so her and I have an automatic bond.

 Whitney says: "Sippy cups and pearls was simply started to blog about, well...sippy cup moments and pearl moments - as a mom, my life consists of both and this is my way of keeping tracking of everything!" 
Here are all of the places that you can find this lovely Root Beer drinking, Fall Loving, Monopoly Player:
Blog ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Pinterest

Now, the next thing you'll want to do after reading this, is head over to those blogs of awesomness. You really must go!

Have you "liked" me on Facebook yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Get over there!
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I can also be found on Twitter under the handle @MyNotSoGlamLife