
Thursday, September 20, 2012

DIY Crib Mobile Makeover

 I've been trying to get my ducks in a row to post this for over a week now. I needed to take the photos and edit them a bit, and it just never seemed to happen for me. So today, I'm happy to finally be sharing this fun project with you!
My Little Lady turned 2 in July. For her birthday she got some "big girl" bedding, and moved out of her original nursery bedding. Even though she's still in a crib, it was time for a fun change. She got her new, bright and cheerful, bedding and the room also was touched up with several other fun accessories.
She really loves her mobile though, so I didn't want to take it away. But it just didn't match anymore.

I also wanted to enhance her view a bit. I always felt like her original mobile (as are many of them on the market) was designed more for the people looking at it from a standing view than for a baby laying underneath it, and what's the point of that?
This view sucks. What baby would want to look at this?

I just kept thinking that I'd find a more colorful one on clearance somewhere, or at the thrift store. That never happened. It finally occurred to me that I could give her existing mobile a makeover!
I went to the fabric store, chose a bright and fun fabric, and got to work. I started by removing the pieces from the original mobile. Easy Peasy. Then I spread out on the floor, and just kind of started winging it. I didn't have a pattern, I didn't sew, and I didn't measure. Because seriously, I'm kind of a lazy crafter who has time for that kind of stuff?

I was really happy with the way it was looking by this point. Little Lady was watching me from nearby, and she was showing her excitement already.
I had gotten these great little felt flowers on Etsy from Blessed to Create. The price was great, and the colors were perfect!
So after not so much time and money, I had a fabulous new mobile, that my little lady could still enjoy for a long time, was much more esthetically pleasing, and her view was better now too.
I think this project would be great for anyone who's expecting, and finds a random mobile at a sale, or as a hand me down. Super cheap, super easy, and totally customizable. What's not to love?

I'm sharing this over here (there's TONS of other awesome link ups there too!)
Becoming Martha
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