
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Eating at Home Instead & Stuffed Sweet Pepper Poppers

Hello everyone! Over the weekend The Hubs and I made an effort to eat at home and to not throw any money down the toilet on eating out. Our efforts were successful, no meals out all weekend! However, him and I both know that there are a few keys to us staying home eating.

1) We need to feel like we aren't missing out on anything. So that means, the meal needs to be something we would order if we were eating out. But since we're eating at home instead, the cost is substantially lower.
2) We have to plan for it, and the effort it entails. Together, we'll plan out a fun and tasty meal and make a date of cooking together. On weekends, when we're smart enough we decide to stay home and eat, we enjoy cooking together.

This past weekend, we had a "cooking date" on Saturday night. I'd say, all in all the meal cost our family of five under $20.00. Compared to the dinner out we had the weekend before, that cost us $89.00 before the tip. YIKES!! We made baby back ribs, corn on the cob, baked beans, and dinner salad. Super yummy. Super cheap.
Before our meal, we whipped up one of our newest favorite appetizers. We made these about a month ago and loved them, so decided to go for it again. We didn't get the recipe for this anywhere, we just sort of whipped it up with what we had in the fridge, (doing an internet search did turn up several results for similar recipes) but it turned out so great!
I got a whole bag of sweet peppers at the 99¢ Store on Friday (more on that later in the week!).
So we took our peppers, and sliced them in half, lengthwise, removing the seeds. Then put them on a baking sheet.
After they were all spread out, I took some fresh Mozzarella cheese pearls, and put them in the peppers.
After that, I shredded some Colby Jack cheese and put that in the peppers. The Hubs fried up some bacon, and crumbled it. I put the bacon on top of the Colby Jack.
To finish them up, a light dusting of paprika and chili powder over the top.
Then The Hubs tossed those babies on the grill for a few minutes to soften the peppers and melt the cheese to ooey gooey perfection.
And finally, I topped them with some freshly diced tomatoes from our garden.
 No utensils needed, just pop these tasty morsels right into your mouth and enjoy!
These were even more enjoyable as we reflected on how much money we saved by not going out that night!
What's your favorite quick and easy appetizer?

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