
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

Hello my Hump Day friends! I feel like I reached hump day pretty quickly this week, what about you? I get to watch my precious little niece today, so I'm excited about that for Hump Day. Man, she is adorable!
I think I'll make my kids pancakes this morning. Even The Littles could use some help getting over the hump!
Join in tomorrow, because I'm planning on sharing my latest crafty DIY. It's good stuff.

So, do any of you ever feel this way? I do. For reals.

Ok, so how yummy does this Tomatoe, Basil, Mozzarella Rustic Tart  from How To: Simplify look? I'm obsessed with Caprese Salad, so this is right up my alley!

And how about this new take on an old classic? Chicken Parmesan Wraps! I think I could bit into those. Thanks to Can You Stay for Dinner? for sharing this fab idea!

Who's noticing that I post something Harry Potter almost every week? Have you read HP? Did you see the movies?  This is a great video...

Now, I must say, I am in love with this project from Two Girls Being Crafty. It would look so cute in my middle bathroom! That's it, I'm gonna make one!! Oh my... the possibilities are endless with this idea!

I love this tutorial on doing a "Messy Bun" from The Small Things!

I love this bright, cheerful space featured at The Glitter Guide. I could definitely hang out there.

And finally, this sign makes me smile. Funki Folk Art on Etsy has some seriously cute stuff!

What do you love this week? What's helping you get over the hump?

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