
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Let Me Introduce Myself... Again.

Hi, I'm Jenn! My fun little blog has been growing lately, and I am so excited to know that there are people out there reading my "creative outlet".  So fun. Because so many of my followers are relatively new, and because it's likely that you found me either through Pinterest or a Blog Hop, you may not feel like you really "know" the person who is here writing. (Other than this  post, you can learn some tidbits here and here.)
(As an aside... It's kind of awkward writing about yourself, isn't it?? Maybe it's because of the feeling that you assume anyone even wants to read about you??)
I am 30 years old. I'm ok with that.
I'm a stay at home wife and mom.
I am married to a fabulous man who I have been with since I was 16 years old. We recently celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. He's my best friend.
The Hubs knows that I have this blog. He doesn't "get it" though. He's not big on anything through the computer though, so whatevs.

I am a mommy. I have three beautiful children that have taken over my heart.  Big Boy is 8, Little Boy is 5, and Little Lady is 2.

I am a daughter (duh, right?). My parents have been married for 30 years. I am a sister. I am the oldest of 3 girls.

I am the Vice President of the Executive Board at a DAP (developmentally appropriate practice) preschool that encourages learning through play and discovery. I'm not sure that I'm the best person for this job, as I pretty much have scrambled eggs in my head right now instead of functioning brains, but I do believe in the basis of our school and I love participating and playing an active role in my children's preschool careers. I love getting messy in the art center, or doing cooking projects with the kids.
I love Disney. I am an Annual Passholder at Disneyland. My favorite character is Mickey (after all, it all started with a mouse.) and my favorite princess is Snow White.
I like to cook. I love to bake. I hate to clean.
I'm a Diet Pepsi addict, but have recently given up buying pop to keep at home (I was drinking about 8 cans a day. Ugh, SO BAD for me!) and have started only getting it when we're out for a meal.
I drink coffee every day. I have to.
~Are ya still with me?  Are you sick of this narcissistic post yet?~
I love country music, but get bored of it quickly. I love 90's alternative rock music. And when my dentist laughs at me for asking him to turn on The GooGoo Dolls, I don't even care.
I love to shop.
I struggle with my weight. I always have. I probably always will.
I like pretty things.
I love my animals. I have a 12 year old Shepherd mix, a 1 year old Mini Dachshund, and a kitten that I found in my yard.
I'm not a very picky eater. I love food. I love trying different foods.
I hate mushrooms, pears, and eggplant.
"I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite"
Summer is my favorite season. But Christmas is my favorite "time".
I like to pour M&M's in my popcorn.
My favorite author is Richard Paul Evans. He is uplifting. I read "The Christmas Box" every year at Christmas time, and I have for 16 years.
I keep trying to "go back to school" but it keeps not working out for me. Someday.
My favorite book series is Harry Potter.
I love following other blogs and getting great ideas and inspiration from them! I follow A LOT of blogs.
I love writing my blog, and I thank you for taking the time to add me to your reading list!

Ok, enough about me, tell me about you!
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I can also be found on Twitter under the handle @MyNotSoGlamLife