
Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekend Recap and Upcycled Can Art Supply Holder

Hello Friends! I hope that you all had a pleasant weekend. Ours was nice, we spent Friday evening at my parents house with my sister's family. We ordered in pizza, had some drinks, and the kids roasted marshmallows. Saturday we spent pretty much relaxed, I got some fab  deals at the thrift store, and then we had some friends over for carne asada BBQ. The men grilled,  and spent time in the man cave, the women stayed inside chatting, and the kiddos ran wild played nicely together.  I spent Sunday reading The Hunger Games, and the rest of the family all pretty much did the lazy Sunday thing too, so that was nice.
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Today, I wanted to share the little project that I created last week. We had moved my son's art easel to the computer room, and I finally bought him some dry erase markers to use with his easel, and he had some washable markers for when he's using paper on the easel. They were kind of just floating around on the tray, and they kept getting dropped off the tray and whatnot, so I wanted to put them in something.
I didn't have anything around the house that seemed like it would do, and I sure didn't want to buy anything. That night I made spaghetti for dinner and when I rinsed out the can to put it in the recycling bin, I realized that I could give it a makeover, and make quite a nice marker holder. A little spray paint, scrap paper, ric-rak, and glue later, and I turned a piece of trash into a charming container for storing markers and crayons.
Here is what I ended up with:

Pretty cute little craft for not costing me anything, huh? Everything I used was just leftover from another project, and this little container is absolutely suiting the purpose I had for it. LOVE it!
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