Friday, October 8, 2010

Fun Friday!! Fall Festival!

Tonight is the 4th Annual Fall Festival for my Big Boy's school. We are really looking forward to it, as he's excited that I'm going to let him roam with his friends, and I love any type of festivities, LOL!
There is going to be a local man doing BBQ... pulled pork sandwiches or tri-tip YUMMY! And lots of fun and games!! I'll be heading over there around 3:30pm with all 3 of the Kidlets. Then, my Mama will come join the fun for a while, and she'll bring the 2 Littles home with her while the Big and I stay behind for the rest of the evening. (Hubs will not be home from work by then...)
I'll be starting off my evening working in Big Boy's class booth, and then after that, heading over to my booth for Gold Canyon at the Business Expo. Any orders that are placed with me at the Fall Festival will have 10% of the sale going to our school's PTO!
It should be a really fun night all around!