
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

Have you seen this yet? I simply love it.

I also love this list of 50 Inspiring Children's Books with a Positive Message. Do you have any of these books in your home? We do!

I love this simple and adorable Candy Cane Wreath!

And all I can say to this is WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Oh. My. Gosh...
Image Source
And I love this great showing of kindness! (Although... unless I was really hard-up, I would have paid to send the wallet myself. )

This recipe for Ding Dongs Diva Dongs looks so stinkin' delicious! And it's dairy free! (More on that later.)

I am loving Dressember, and this dress from ModCloth would really be a great addition to my repertoire of dresses for the month. Want to send it to me?
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