
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What I Love Wednesday!

Good Morning my friends! I hope that you are all having a great week. Let's get over the hump together with What I Love Wednesday! (And, for anyone who read yesterdays post, I'd like to let you know that your prayers and positive thoughts were appreciated, and that Little Lady's MRI Results came back "normal". Thank you!!)

First off, I love that I'm going on a field trip with Big Boy's class to the Discovery Science Center (The Science Cube). How fun does this place look?

I also love that we'll be going to Disneyland tomorrow! It'll be the first time we get to see the new Cars Land over at DCA.

I love this spoon, because it made me laugh.

I love this fun kitchen wall hanging.

And speaking of fun, check out this children's loft bed. I want one!

I really love the modest yet stylish and flattering dresses from Mikarose. Like this one:

Sooooo.... I don't know about you, but I think this To-Go box is fabulous!

Okay, there's more stuff that I love, but I'm short on time this morning, so this'll do. Enjoy!
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