
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

Oh yay! The week is half way over, and my kiddos and I are getting over the hump! Working some bugs out this week with school/homework, and if all goes well, it will be blog~post~worthy!

Let's get this started!
First things first: I would LOVE to put this turkey on my Thanksgiving table. You have to check it out. This is a great way to have a laugh on Hump Day!

These gloves. Oh, these gloves. I adore them. So... "Jackie O". Gorgeous.

I think this is a gorgeous way to use candy corn. I hope the 99¢ Store will have some this year!

This pork chop recipe from Living, Laughing & Loving looks so delicious. I think it'll go on my meal plan this week!

What a great cleaning tip from The V Spot! I'll have to try this one soon!

I adore this classy ensemble. And (aside from the shoes) the price is great!

And finally, I can't wait to go here to get some great apples, cider, pie and fun! Only about 10 mins from my house and one of my fave places on earth.

What do YOU love this week?
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