
Friday, September 14, 2012

A Year at the Museum (Just For Fun Friday!)

It's Friday! Yay! Two upcoming days of no major agenda, no fighting over homework, and sleeping in a little. Bliss!
I hope that all of you had a grreat week. But I hope that your weekend is even better.
I've been wanting to write this post for a little while now, but things kept coming up instead. Today, I'm finally getting the chance.
On the very last day of Summer Vacation, I took my kiddos to our local County Museum. It's one of those things that's so close to home, and a really cool experience, but you just kinda forget about it, ya know?
To send Summer Vacay off right, we wanted to do one more fun thing. But it was so hot outside, and we didn't have a ton of time or money. Off to the museum we went... it was air conditioned, close by, and cheap. Perfect!
We had such a fun adventure! We had to fend of scorpions and alligators. Dealt with mice, and cockroaches the size of our hands! (GROSS!) We dug for fossils, and walked through a Native American village. Big Boy had a Polar Bear towering over him, while Little Boy went head to head with a Grizzly! Luckily, they were both able to protect Little Lady from the ferocious beasts.
And of course, Mommy was happy because the kiddos were having a great time, and not fighting or misbehaving.
What's better than one day of adventures at the museum? A whole year of adventures! One day admission to the museum is would have been $16.00. But for only $40.00, we were able to get a family membership pass for the entire year! This will come in handy during Screen Free Week, or during those Winter months when we can't play outside. Pretty good deal.
After our time at the museum, we went to a great little restaurant around the corner for some lunch. The kids loved this place, so we may make it a tradition to eat there on museum days.
Do you have a local museum? Do you remember to visit it? How do your kiddos like it?
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