
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!!!
Today I am loving that I am finally starting to feel a little bit normal. Wow, that sickness totally kicked my butt!

I also love this DIY Glitter Play Dough! I love all variations of  Play Dough, so this one we'll have to try soon!

And how fun is this idea for caramel apple bites?!?! LOVE! I think I'll have to incorporate this into my annual pumpkin carving party!

And who wouldn't love this festive Halloween staircase? CUTE idea!

My kids need this on school mornings.

What?!?!?! Check this out!

How cute is this iPhone case?

And finally, I think I will leave you with a bit of my favorite. (Sorry, Twilight & Hunger Games... you still never beat out Harry Potter for me!)

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