
Monday, September 3, 2012

Back to School germs have gotten the best of this {not so} glamorous household

My friends, this household is sick. S.I.C.K.
It is gross, I can almost see the little germs crawling around everywhere. The kids went back to school, and brought home germs and homework. And then they shared, wasn't that nice of them?
Each of The Boys stayed home from school for two days last week, and our long weekend has been sabotaged by nasty head colds. You would not believe the amount of snotty tissues that have been laying around this place. (Gross, right? I knew you'd want me to tell you that part.)
Fortunately for Walgreen's, we kept them in business this week. Between tissues, daytime medicine, nighttime medicine, children's medicine, and toddler safe homeopathic medicines... I think Walgreen's is in good shape for a while.
We were supposed to go enjoy a nice BBQ at my in-laws yesterday, but The Hubs and I were so miserable, we didn't last long. My mother-in-law offered to keep The Boys (who are on the mend) for a while so that The Hubs, Little Lady, and me could go home and nap. And so we did. Then we had chicken noodle soup for dinner.
Today we're supposed to go to another BBQ at some other family's house... but I'm not so sure that's going to work out. I'm the only one awake here so far, but I feel pretty crummy, and I know they all must too. At least The Hubs and the Little Lady. Ugh.
I know that The Boys will be well enough for school tomorrow. And The Hubs is gonna have to go back to work, poor guy. I sure hope he's on the downhill slide of this nasty bug. But Little Lady was the last one to get sick, so she'll probably be sick a few days after the rest of us are better. Which is no good, because she has some medical appts this week that are probably going to have to be rescheduled because of her illness. very frustrating.
In any case, I hope that all of you are feeling healthy and energetic and that you are all enjoying your long weekend with friends, family, food, fun and relaxation. Happy Labor Day!
Now, I'll leave you with this. It's my statement to the yucky germs.
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