
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Your kids go to what kind of school?!?!

I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but none of my 3 children attend a "traditional" type of school. My Little Lady attends a Parent Co-Operative/Parent Participation Preschool that educates by play and developmentally appropriate practice. (Little Boy went there too!) Our kiddos will receive a wealth of learning experience within the facility, but you will never see a flash card. That's not the way our kiddos learn.
The children in this preschool learn through open ended play with adult encouragement and guidance. Parents are required to be "parent teachers" in the class room for a designated number of days each month. While we do have a paid teaching staff and director (who could never make nearly enough money for all that they do) the school could not exist without the parents as well. Our teachers use the Creative Curriculum.
What I love about this school is that I am an active participant in my child's preschool career.  And I get to go to preschool and have fun with the kids. What adult couldn't use a day or two of preschool in their life each month??
It is here that we recognize that "Childhood is a journey, not a race. - Unknown"
So, if you would love to help your child enjoy this beautiful season in life that we call childhood, instead of racing through with flash cards and forgetting to play, then you should consider a Play Based school. Play IS how children learn in early childhood. Here's a fabulous article to read about what a great classroom/facility would look like.

The Boys are both getting their elementary education at a Charter School. Little Boy is in Kinder, and Big Boy is in 3rd grade. You may be wondering what a Charter School is. Well, to put it simply, it is a public school that provides a private school quality education. 
The teacher/student ratio is only at about 20 kids to one teacher (vs. a typical public school, that can have up to 35 kids in one class. YIKES!!). The smaller class setting provides teachers the opportunity to better personalize each child's learning experience. The Charter School students do take standardized tests, and typically have slightly accelerated learning in comparison to state public school standards. (Of course, there's always exceptions on both sides of the spectrum.) You can learn more about Charter Schools here.
 My oldest son has been thriving in his charter school since Kinder, and now my youngest is loving every minute of it! I also have a niece that attends the same school. I feel so blessed that we were able to secure a space in this fabulous school, and look forward to watching my children learn and grow in this environment.

Do you have children in either a Co-Op or a Charter School? Have you ever heard of them? Do you have any near you?
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