
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

Happy Hump Day my friends! Today I'm "celebrating" hump day with two sick Boys home from school. Oh joy. So today, I truly need my "What I Love Wednesday" feature, to brighten me up!

It seems appropriate today, that I love this blog post sharing 7 "secret" home remedies for sickies.
(What are your favorite home remedies?)

Right now, I am loving all of the products and projects from Stampin' Up! I think I may sign on as a demonstrator :)

I am also loving this DIY Pet Food Canister from TidyMom. Fabulous idea!

Loving that WICKED is coming back to my area early next year. My friend Illy and I MUST go see it together!

Not just this week, but always. I'm infatuated with twinkle lights. I think that white twinkle lights are one of the most magical looks. I'd put them everywhere if I could...
These ones are pretty. And check out the spaces here. LOVE.

And this? THIS is me.

And finally, in honor of hump day and sick kids: Not only do I love this, but I think that I need this.

So, what are you loving this week? Do you love any of the same things as me?
Hope your week is taking it easy on you, and that you get over the hump ok today!

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