
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to School Week = Chaos!!!

To say that I've been sporadic with my blog posting this week would be putting it nicely. I'm really hoping that next week will be more productive.
This morning, I woke up and fumbled in the kitchen for my coffee. Once it was poured, I woke up 3 kiddos, fed 3 kiddos breakfast, and got 3 kiddos dressed. I even managed to feed, and dress myself AND had makeup on!!! (WHAT?!?!?!) Then I got 3 kiddos and myself out the door on time, to 3 different schools with 3 slightly staggered start times. What a morning!!
While there's not much room in our mornings for error, this week has gone pretty seamlessly. I've been proud of all of us!
Today was my Little Lady's 1st day of Preschool. I'm so glad that I made the choice to enroll her this year. I feel confident that she is really going to blossom.
(Though I doubt her teacher would care, I didn't get permission to share her photo, so I took the liberty of blurring her face.)
Little Lady had THE BEST 1st day of preschool ever! It brought such joy to my heart to see her get involved in the projects, and enjoy herself in this fabulous setting. We are just so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful establishment!

If your kiddos started school this week, how has it been going? A bumpy start? Or smooth sailing?
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