
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4 Day Recap: A Day Date, Baseball Game, & Back to School

Hello Friends! I feel like I have been away for so long. Blah, I don't like that. What have you all been up to while I was "away"?
I took 4 days off from blogging. Not intentionally, but it just happened that way. Friday The Hubs was off work for some medical appointments, and after he was finished with those, we went on a "Day Date". We had lunch at a great little "dive" BBQ joint that serves "Soul Food" and then walked around the downtown area for a while. I love it there, it's so charming.

That night, we went to a Minor League baseball game with a bunch of people from my older son's Little League team. It was SO HOT that night... we were all pretty much drenched in sweat. Ewwww! But all in all, that was a nice time, and before we know it, baseball season will be over.

Saturday I went shopping for all of the kids Back to School supplies. I spent over $100.00 at the 99¢ Store. Geez Louise!!! WHO DOES THAT?!?!?! Oh, apparently I do... But the kiddos are all set now, so that's great! That afternoon we headed to a birthday party and when I got home The Hubs grilled up some fabulous chicken and we had some delicious chicken salads for dinner. Perfect and refreshing on a hot summer day!
Sunday was spent doing last minute preps for the kids starting school, and putting some gifts together. (More on that tomorrow).
I really wanted to post yesterday, however it was the 1st day of school, and my Little Lady had PT/OT appointments, so the day just really got away from me. My Boys had a great first day! My Little Boy has the same teacher for Kinder that his big brother did, and they remembered on another so well. That made it super easy for all of us! Big Boy has a teacher who's new to the school, but 1st impressions are fabulous!

Have your kiddos gone back to school already? Or are you some of the lucky ones that are still on summer vacation?

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