
Monday, July 9, 2012

Menu Monday: How Much TIME do You spend menu planning?

How much time do you spend menu planning? Sometimes it takes me only 10-15 minutes, and other times (like yesterday) I spent 1-2 stinkin' hours on it. Still worth it though. By planning what we'll eat in advance, I spend less money at the store, and we get less take-out, which also saves a ton of money. I know some people plan for a whole month at a time, but I haven't gotten that brave yet. How do you menu plan?
Do you do food prep in advance? I typically don't, but I always have intentions of doing it. Yesterday I did a small bit of food prep for the week, and I'm hoping that it'll make a bit of a dent in the time I spend cooking meals each night.
Here's what's on our dinner menu for the week:

Monday: Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Green Salad

Tuesday: Taco Salad (The Hubs favorite meal, for his birthday)

Wednesday: BLT's, carrot sticks, homemade fries

Thursday: Sloppy Joe's, Carrot sticks, melon, tater tots.

Friday: Put me down for a big fat "I Don't Know" for tonight.

Saturday: Little Lady is turning TWO!! We're BBQ'ing with family and having cupcakes!

Sunday: Chili with ground turkey and tortillas.

Share with me where you post your menu plan too!
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