
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jumping on the Bandwagon

I had planned a post for today, but I baked The Hubs a birthday cake, then went to the Verizon store, (wasted way too much time there) and jumped on the iPhone bandwagon. So there goes my post. I'll make it up tomorrow :)
So far, I am really liking the phone. The sales guy at Verizon was convinced that I'd be back to trade it for a different one in a few days, but I'm not so sure about that...
In  the meantime, do you have anything awesome to share with me about the iPhone as I overcome my learning curve? Tips, Hints, etc?
Even though I know how dorky it is, I wont even TRY to hide how excited I am that I can accessorize my phone now! Look at my cute polka dots!

Also, check out Serenity You today, as I'm the Sponsor Spotlight!! Yay, so exciting!

Oh, one more thing! I'm going to participate in the GFC Blog Hop event too, sounds like fun!