
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Home Tour: #1 in a Multi Part Series (Kitchen)

So, if you're anything like me, you're probably nosy you probably have a curious nature. After all, isn't that what blog reading is all about? We love taking a glimpse into the life of somebody else. Sometimes it makes us feel inadequate, sometimes it inspires us, and sometimes it makes us feel very lucky.
In any case, I doubt that this series will evoke heavy feelings like that in any of my readers. However, I do love getting a peek into other peoples homes. I like seeing what people do to their houses!
Today I am going to share with you my kitchen. I love my galley style kitchen. The colors are probably a bit outdated (at least the dark paint color hides little grubby handprints!), but this is something that I can live with for a while. But for me, the layout is perfect. I love all of my storage and my pantry. There are some things that down the road I'd like to change or update (paint, cabinets, cook-top  and oven) But like I said, it can wait.
And now, without further ado, I give you My (Not So) Glamorous Kitchen!
(You can ignore the Little Boy sneaking into some of the photos)

I love my counter tops

I love my sink

I love my Pantry. This is the first home I've ever lived in with a pantry and now I don't know how I lived without one!

Thanks for visiting with me today and taking a peek inside my home. Please feel free to follow and/or bookmark my blog. Also, I'd be SUPER excited if you would "like" me on Facebook!