Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Junk in my Trunk

Once upon a time, not so very long ago... I used to LOVE working out. I lived for it. I loved the high I got from the release of endorphins, the stress relieve, the energy, the better sleep... the 1-2 hour escape from my children....
Where, oh where, has my love for working out gone? I have some serious junk in my trunk right now... 7 months post baby, and I've lost virtually no weight. And I have close to no motivation to do so. I'm not terribly unhappy with my size right now, with the exception of not having any clothes that fit. But I know I can't stay here... I need to lose some weight. Get back in the gym. Become more conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth. Maybe writing it here will help? Sometimes writing or saying things aloud bring them more into the forefront of one's mind...
Anyways, realistically, I don't think I'll get back to the weight I was before I got pregnant with my Little Lady. However, SOME of this has got to go... At least 15 pounds.
I wonder if I can do it before my trip in July...