
Friday, December 7, 2012

December Kindness Challenge Link-Up #1

Helllllloooooooo everyone! I'm so excited for our first link-up today for the December Kindness Challenge! (Don't worry, if you don't have a blog to link-up, you can still share! Just leave your list of kind acts in the comments below the blog post!)
I hope that all of you have been experiencing the great joy that comes with kind acts, and that your hearts are full. I cannot wait to see what all of you have been up to! And if you haven't been participating already, it's not too late to start!!

So let's get started!! First, I am going to share my list of kind acts for the week. (Also, if you're not "following" my blog with Google Friend Connect, now would be a great time to do that!) Then, I ask that you pay a visit to Danette at All My Love for All My Days to see her DKC post (Follow her too!). Then either link-up your DKC blog post or post in comments.

Day 1~ On this day, I mailed a copy of one of my very favorite books, and a handmade card with handwritten note to one of my dearest friends. She lives far away from me, and I miss her every day. Also, she always puts others before herself and I wanted her to receive something special in the mail that was just for her. I also held the door open for a gentleman who's hands were full at the post office, complimented a stranger on her dress at the grocery store, and gave $1 to the Salvation Army bucket on my way out.

Day 2~ On the 2nd day of the DKC, I purchased a box of Fair Trade, Organic Peppermint Tea from the Alternative Holiday Faire at church, and then gifted it anonymously to the neighbor across the street. I put it in a small gift bag, wrote a note, and left it on her porch. At the grocery store (again), I put a small bag of canned goods into the donation box.

Day 3~ It was a cold day. I prepared a treat of hot cocoa mix, mini marshmallows, and tiny peppermint marshmallow bits for my son's kindergarten teacher and gave it to her when I picked him up. I also made a "warm drink" goodie bag for my 3rd grade son's running club coach and gave it to her when I picked him up.

Day 4~ On this day, the opportunity for a kind act fell right into my lap. When I took my daughter to preschool, they were short a parent helper. At our preschool, it's important for licensing requirements that each classroom has the proper adult to child ration. So although I hadn't planned on spending my morning at preschool that day, I did. By doing that, the office manager and school director were able to focus on their regular tasks instead of wasting time looking for a parent to fill in.

Day 5~ In the morning after dropping Big Boy off at school, I was running a little bit late and was frustrated with the drop-off situation at the school. Despite that, I let several kids cross the street in front of me so that they wouldn't be late. And I did it without getting irritated. I also gave a good, high value coupon to a clothing store to a friend of mine who shops there.

Day 6~ I registered as a donor!! I registered at as a bone marrow and/or peripheral blood stem cell donor. This is something that could help me save a life, and I'm so happy to offer that to the world. You can also become a donor through the Be the Match Program.
Image Source

Day 7~ Left a special treat of Lindor Truffles on the desk of my Big Boy's teacher. I also made a small donation to a family in our support group (for my daughters condition) that is trying to raise funds for the travel expenses for their child's care.

I can't wait to see what all of you link up or comment!! I encourage you to check out the other blogs that are linked up! You may find the inspiration for your next Act of Kindness!
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