The approximate breakdown of this specific meal was about 93¢ per person. Now THAT'S what I call a Dollar Menu!
Potatoes (98¢ per bag at Fresh & Easy)
Smoked Sausage or Kielbasa (I used two packages of John Morrell Smoked Sausage. 99¢ at the 99¢ Only Store)
Biscuits (Store Brand. 89¢ at local grocery store.)
Green Beans (Canned. Store Brand. 79¢ at local grocery store.)
Total for meal= $4.64
This fed a family of 2 adults and 3 children with some leftover. Often when I prepare this meal, I will add onion or bell peppers to the pan as well for added flavor with minimum cost.
Start by cutting up your potatoes and sausage. Put in a pan with a small amount of oil (your choice) and whatever seasonings or spices you wish to use from your pantry. Cook on medium heat, stirring frequently until potatoes are cooked through.
Warm your green beans and biscuits according to directions.
Serve and enjoy! To make it even more balanced and healthy, serve a green salad on the side.
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