
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

Hey friends, it's already Wednesday! WhoooHooo! The Hubs and the kiddos had Monday off in observance of Veterans day (did you?) so the week should just fly by. Hopefully.
Here are some of the things that I'm loving this week:

My new iPhone case. I just love Disney, and Snow White is my fave princess. So when I saw this, I just knew I needed to have it!

Next, I love this great recipe that I found thanks to Love With Food (which I also love). I recently had my first Monte Cristo sandwich at Disneyland and It. Was. Incredible. This is definitely a treat for a "no diet" day, but glad to have it in the books!

I love that I'm going to a Breaking Dawn viewing event on Friday night. Can't wait!!

And because it's that time of year again... time to start watching a few of my favorite Christmas movies! This would include about 9,000 viewings each of Elf and The Polar Express. Eeeek! Love it!
Cumorah at Simply Cumorah shared this great printable quote from Buddy the Elf, and I'm pretty much going to have to frame it.
And how absolutely charming is this sweet sentiment from The Polar Express? It's taking a lot of self control for me to not order it right now. But I still might...

And finally, I am loving my 20th Anniversary Edition copy of The Christmas Box. More about that coming in the near future.

What are you loving this week? Is your week flying by?

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