
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumpkin Spice Cream of Wheat

The month of October is when every Pumpkin Spice recipe on Earth finds it's way out of the recipe boxes and cook books and onto our plates. I've made a few batches of pumpkin muffins already, and they were yummy! But I was craving something hot for breakfast. I've seen a few different recipes for Pumpkin Oatmeal floating around the internet, but I wanted to mix it up a bit.
I decided to pull my box of "Cream of Wheat" (ok, I used the store brand, but same diff) out of the cupboard and to try my hand at creating a Pumpkin Spice Cream of Wheat.
Cream of Wheat is a  hearty, filling breakfast food. Add to it healthy, low calorie pumpkin and that's a good deal! This breakfast will keep you full for hours, isn't too bad on the calories, and feels almost like an indulgence. (To learn more about some of the health benefits of pumpkin, click here. Good info!) 
I started with my hot cereal mix, and my Pumpkin Pie Spice.

I began to prepare the cereal as directed. For this instructional, everything is based on a single serving of the hot cereal. To make more, you would simply adjust your ingredients appropriately.  I took 1 1/2 Tbs of pumpkin puree and to that I added 1/2 Tsp of Pumpkin Pie Spice.

From there, I added 1/2 Tbs of milk, and 1/2 Tbs of brown sugar. I blended the puree, and added it to my hot cereal (which had just finished).

I gave it a good stir, and then put it in a bowl to eat. It was very tasty, however this recipe does produce a pretty mild "pumpkin" flavor. If you like it more bold, then feel free to experiment with your measurements.

All in all, I am very pleased with my experiment. I enjoyed it, and so did my Little Lady, so I do have plans to make it again. Next time I make it, I may even double the amount of pumpkin I add to it. Also, I wanted mine a bit sweeter, so I sprinkled it with a half packet of Splenda after it was in the bowl.
Give this a try if you're in the mood for a hot, tasty fall breakfast!
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