
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Don't Eat This Cake

Ok, so here's the thing. Until a few weeks ago, it's very possible that I am the only woman on the face of the planet to have never made a diaper cake.
True story.
However, a very dear friend of mine (I always say I want to be her when I grow up) was recently handed a new baby. Like, literally handed. Not in the hospital, but a social worker called her asking if she would like to adopt a little girl who was given up (safely surrendered) by her birth parents. So within a matter of a few weeks, she became a new mother once again. With no baby stuff left from her prior children.
That just wouldn't do. She needed some "stuff".
A bunch of us pooled together to get her some Target gift cards. But I love presentation. And I love thoughtful gifts. I decided that this would be a perfect time for me to try my hand at making a diaper cake.
For my very first one, I'm pleased with how it came out. And my friend was more than happy to receive it.

If you're one of the few who's never made a diaper cake, it's super easy! First, simply gather your supplies. Whatever baby items you choose. It can be a simple cake, or an extravagant one. This one was pretty simple.
Next, you will need to get small, clear rubber bands, and you'll need to roll those diapers. It's tedious work, grab a helper if you want.
After that, you simply begin to assemble your "cake". Incorporate the gifty items into the cake as you build it up. Use ribbon and other decorative touches to give it som flair.
And then, there you have it. Easy Peasy!
Have you ever made a diaper cake? Have you ever received one as a gift? What other variations have you seen or made?
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