
Monday, September 10, 2012

We Could All Use Some More Awesome In Our Lives

Happy stinkin' Monday everyone! I hope that you all got up and out the door on time. Or whatever.

Today I would like to introduce you to some ladies who I think are the bee's knee's. Seriously. You've probably noticed them hanging out over on my sidebar. It's a fun place to be. You could be there too, if you wanted.

First, meet Kassie. She is the blogger behind K plus J equals love. She is the super cute mama to a super cute little toddler boy and a beautiful brand new baby girl. Her blog is where she shares with her readers about marriage, motherhood, her love for Jesus, and whatever else is on her heart. She also has a great fashion style!
K plus J equals love

Next, here's Elena. She takes simply gorgeous photos of her adorable little tot. Check out her writings about Motherhood, Family and Photography at Cropped Stories.
cropped stories

This next one is not a "mommy blogger" like the two above, but a fashion based blog by two fabulous ladies. They share with their readers great ideas and photos that are inspirations for putting together chic, classy ensembles. Check out these Ladies in Navy!
Ladies in Navy

And last (but not least by any means) I'd like you to meet Lauren over at me & my {beautiful} mess. I just love this girl. You will too. Go check her out. Sooner, rather than later. This girl and I have so much in common, I'd almost swear she was my doppelganger. Seriously. Her blog niche is "life" and that's something all of us can relate to, right? Right! So go check out her blog, you will be glad that you did. For reals people.

So today I challenge you to take the time to visit, and even follow at least one of these wonderful ladies. With this eclectic variety, you are sure to find one that piques your interest. So go do it now, ok?
Have you "liked" me on Facebook yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Get over there!
Are you following My {Not So} Glamorous Life via Google Friend Connect or BlogLovin'? Don't miss any of the fun! All you have to do is click "follow" on that button over there on the sidebar. Or Follow my blog with Bloglovin. Just click here!! C'mon, you know you wanna!
I can also be found on Twitter under the handle @MyNotSoGlamLife