
Friday, August 3, 2012

Fun Friday! Let's Get Messy!

Happy Friday!! Ahhhhh, the weekend is upon us! Tonight is my BUNCO night, yay!
Before I share with all of you our fun mess from yesterday, I have to share this hilarious clip with you. I've watched it several times. If you are a Will Ferrell fan (I am) or if you are a Twilight fan (I am), then this is a MUST WATCH. Cracks me up...

Ok, are the tears streaming down your face yet? Go watch it again! Just kidding, just kidding. Unless you want to, haha!
Onto the mess! Wednesday my niece and nephew were with us for a sleepover. I love those stinkin' kids. So yesterday I was hanging out here at home with five kids. This place was chaos! It really wasn't that bad, but I was on my toes.
I decided that it would be fun to whip up some shaving cream paint for the kiddos. I used the neon food coloring (I already had this on hand), and raspberry scented shaving cream that I picked up at the dollar store a few weeks ago. I had some big posterboard paper in the art drawer that I let them use for their canvas's.

This stuff is SO SIMPLE to make, and costs next to nothing. The kids had a blast making their very own  shaving cream creations. This project is so fun because it's a different painting medium than they are accustomed to. They loved the fluffy texture of the shaving cream, and the fruity scent of it. They used paint brushes, and their hands. They mixed the colors together. Such a fabulous sensory experience!


This project was pretty messy, and The Boys felt it necessary to coat their torso's, arms and faces in the paint as well. My preferred method of cleaning them? I took them outside and hosed them off. It seemed like it would take the least effort be the most efficient way to clean them.

All five of the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Their ages ranged from 2 years old all the way up to 8 years old. Seems to me like you can't go wrong with shaving cream paint!
Have a great weekend my friends! Go get messy!
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