
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Playing a little catch-up and Menu Monday

More days than usual have passed since I have written a post. I've been missing my blog, but at the same time, it was a nice little breather.
Saturday we celebrated my Little Lady's 2nd Birthday with a small family party. I made some delicious (from scratch) strawberry cupcakes with strawberry buttercream frosting. They got rave reviews from the party guests, kids and adults alike, which made me happy.
(I got the great printable shown above HERE)

Sunday was her actual birthday. I took her to get her ears pierced.

 It was a day of mixed emotions for me, for a few different reasons, and honestly, I just didn't feel up to posting my normal "What I Love About Sundays". But her new 'bling' is probably something that would have made the post. I think they look so pretty in her sweet little ears!

Yesterday, I missed Menu Monday, so here will be a quickie version:
Monday: Homemade Chili with Flour Tortillas
Tuesday: Take-Out
Wednesday: Chicken, steamed veggies, green salad, pasta or rice side.
Thursday: Taco's and Refried Beans
Friday: Pork Chops
Saturday: Pasta Casserole (similar to baked ziti) green salad, garlic bread
Sunday: To be determined.

My sister in law is out visiting from Florida right now, so she took The Boys to the Aquarium of the Pacific today.  Shortly after they left I said to Little Lady "What should we do today while The Boys are gone?" and then I replied to myself  "Duh, we should go to Disneyland!". And so we did. Yay! It was her first time going!

I sent a message to my friend Illy asking her what she was doing and she said "Wishing I was at Disneyland". Now if that wasn't kismet, I don't know what is! So she met us there! Another awesome thing about this day was that today was the 57th Anniversary of Disneyland opening, and we were there! Fun!
We  had a fabulous lunch, rode a few rides (Little Lady LOVED them all!) and she got to see Mickey, who she was very smitten with. She gave him kisses.

We have a few more things going on this week, but hopefully not anything that will keep me away for too long. So now that I feel like I am no longer neglecting my cyber-baby blog I will go get a few hours of shut eye.
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