
Monday, July 2, 2012

Menu Monday: 99¢ Store Shopping

Hello Friends! I hope that all of you had a lovely weekend. We did. It was nice and relaxing on Saturday. Sunday The Hubs and I went down to the Santa Monica Pier and had lunch and walked around while the kids went to a company picnic with their grandparents.
Here's what's on the menu this week:

Monday: Ground Turkey Burritos (made with leftover ground turkey meat from last week) with Mexican Rice and Refried Beans.

Tuesday: Teriyaki Chicken with broccoli/carrots, Steamed Rice, Egg Rolls, Chow Mein. (This was on the menu last week and didn't get eaten. So it appears here again.)

Wednesday: 4th of July!! Hot Dogs on the grill, watermelon, carrot sticks, chips.

Thursday: Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Coleslaw, Sweet Potato Fries.

Friday: Something quick and cheap! The Boys are spending the night at my moms, and it's  my turn to host BUNCO this week!

Saturday: Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Green Salad.

Sunday: ???? Something Grilled

If you have a Menu Monday on your blog, share the link in a comment here! I love checking out other peoples menus.

In an effort to be exceptionally frugal this week, I did quite a bit of supplemental shopping at the 99¢ Only store. For less than $20.00 I fully stocked up on tons of fresh produce, picked up a few snack items, 2 packs of Polish Sausage, a few cans of beans, a bag of rice, some seasoning salt,and even a pack of Mighty Beanz for each of The Boys (they are obsessed with these). I love the way that store always helps me supplement my grocery shopping with fresh, quality items at an affordable price. Now this week, the only thing I need to go purchase is milk.
Also, I have recently discovered a GREAT resource for recipes using ingredients from the 99¢ Only Store. Click here to check it out! Do you have a 99¢ Only Store near you? Do you utilize the great offerings they have?
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