
Friday, July 20, 2012

Just for Fun Friday

It's Friday! WhoooHoooo, right? The only part that's a bummer is that it means we're one week closer to school starting. I love having my kids home. I love our relaxing days together, sleeping until we want to, staying in our pajamas, and then... only when we feel like it, finding an adventure.
Yesterday I had to take Little Lady to the "Big City" (Los Angeles) for an Orthopedic appt. I hate going to the city. There are too many cars, and too much traffic.  How do you feel about "the city"?

Today, I have a ginormous amount of disgusting dishes to wash. No, really, it's disgusting. I've been putting it off, shame on me. I have a board meeting for my preschool, and then I have to go to the DMV. Soooooo, basically, I hope you're having more fun than I am today. Maybe tonight will bring me some fun. Probably not.
My Big Boy is off with his Aunt today, so maybe this afternoon The Littles and I will whip up some shaving cream paint, and clean the patio table have a good time making art on the patio table.
We have dinner with The Hubs's family Saturday night, before his sister goes back home to Florida. I think we're going to my favorite pizza place, so that will be a nice time.
Maybe a family dinner with my family on Sunday, for my birthday? I'm not sure yet....
I just booked my Little Lady's 2 year photo session for Tuesday. It's a newer photographer, but from what I've seen, she does beautiful work. And her prices are great! (
Not too much going on here over the weekend. But I like it that way.
Do you have plans for the weekend?

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