
Saturday, July 7, 2012

I suck at blogging this week. Here is my "Fun Friday" post

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I guess I fell off the face of the earth this week. I haven't done a whole lot of posting here. With the holiday mid-week, it just kind of threw off my mojo.
Anyhow, last night The Boys spent the night with my parents, because it was my turn to host BUNCO. The Hubs stayed inside with Little Lady all evening while the BUNCO babes and I hung out on the deck enjoying drinks, and rolling dice. Good times.
 Little Lady woke up this morning at 4am needing a diaper change (really? 4am? Who poops at 4am???). She fell back to sleep, but I didn't. So here I am, 2/3 of my kids gone, and no sleeping in this morning. Booooo! That's craptastic. So I'll write here instead. I needed to anyways.
Because it was my turn to host Bunco, I was going to have 11 other adult women over to my house. Which meant, I should probably clean it (dang!). Because I'm SURE that all of them have spotless houses. Okay, maybe not. But you know how easy it is to be delusioned into thinking that.
Here was me yesterday:
Image Source
 Have you seen this image floating around? I am telling you, I could have totally designed that card myself. True Story. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, cleaning my house, prepping the dessert, putting out snacks and so on. The funny part was that I put all that work into cleaning the house when we were playing out on the deck. But still, the ladies would have to walk through my house to get to the deck. In any case, the house got clean, and we had some fun rolling dice, imbibing in some adult beverages, and snacking.
By the end of the evening though, we'd all had a great time, and I got to fall asleep knowing my house was clean with the exception of all four bedrooms.

This drink is called a Fuzzy Wuzzy. It is my favorite summertime blended beverage, it's *just* sweet enough and *just* tart enough, and very refreshing. Fill your blender with ice. 1/2 can of frozen pink lemonade mix, 1/2 (lemonade) can vodka, and 1 sliced peach. Blend until it's the consistency of a margarita or daiquiri.

For dessert, I made Strawberry Shortcake Parfaits. I just love the layered look of a parfait. It's such an easy way to make something look like you put way more effort into it than you really did. This was such a simple dessert. I simply purchased some sliced angel food cake, cut them into squares, layered with strawberries and whipped cream, and repeated. Then topped them off with a strawberry garnish. I used "water glasses" from the party section of the 99¢ store. They came out beautifully, and I love food that is presented nicely. And perfect for a refreshing summer dessert!

This is one of the rare weekends where we actually don't have any plans. Blissful I tell ya, blissful!
Whatcha doin' this weekend? Anything good?