
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Reading Nook" for the Big Boy

I'm obsessed with reading nooks. How I would have loved to have one as a child! I keep seeing the greatest little reading nooks on Pinterest. I think my favorite one so far, is this one. (I'm obsessed with those curtains too!!)
My Big Boy is "cool". He's just so cool. He is set on not having a "kid room" but would rather his room look more like a teenagers. Oh, brother... 
But also, he enjoys reading. His room has a little nook in it that just needed something. After giving it some thought, I decided that it would be a great little reading corner. So I started by making do with some items I already had around the house, like blankets and throw pillows and curtains. Then I picked up an extra throw pillow at the thrift store. I used a free printable I found on Pinterest and framed it.
Image Source

 Then I got a great organizational hanging pocket on clearance at Walmart that would be perfect for tucking books inside. I used some leftover fabric from when I gave his chair a makeover, to cover up an ugly throw pillow.
Here is what we have so far. I'd still like to do more to it, but so far, he's enjoying his nice little space!

When I was young, I loved cozy little spaces, so I hope that providing my child with this little nook will bring him some joy.
I've also started a reading nook for my Little Boy. Since he's not quite as cool as the Big Boy, I can have a little bit more fun with his! I'll share soon!