
Friday, June 8, 2012

Just for Fun Friday

Today was my Little Boy's last day of Preschool. Ever. This is so bittersweet for me.
 For the last day of school, they were able to have a school wide Water Play Day. Such fun for the kiddos!
Mouth Full of Crackers at Snack Time
The kids had a wonderful time. When they all gathered to sing the Goodbye Song for the last time as a class, the reality of it hit my sensitive little boy... that most of his friends would be going to different schools next year. And that he would no longer have his fabulous teacher (that we both adored!), and that he was Done. With. Preschool.
Oh, my poor, softhearted boy. His heart broke. He cried. He hugged his teacher with all of the love he had. And then he hugged me, and my heart broke for him. Such a sweet, sensitive boy. Love him so, so much.

On a more fun and cheerful note, we made Cloud Dough! We haven't played with it yet, but it's going to be such great fun! One of many awesome activities I have planned for the kids this summer. I found an awesome tutorial for it over at Learn With Play @ Home. SO FUN and easy! Go check it out!