
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Father's Day on a Dollar Store Budget

This time of year always seems like we are spread thin. May brings Mother's Day, and both Big Boy's and Little Boy's birthdays, along with Teacher Appreciation week.
June brings end of school and Little League, along with my mom's birthday, and Father's Day.
So many things to spend money on... and just not that much money. Ugh.
And July brings the birthdays of Little Lady, The Hubs and myself.
Needless to say, we are tapped out on the gift giving aspect of our budget.

To alleviate things a bit, this year I'm doing Father's Day on a Dollar Store Budget.
For my Father in Law, I purchased a few boxes of "Larry the Cable Guy" food mixes. There is a Spicy Chicken Batter, a Corn Muffin mix, and a Spicy Corn Muffin Mix. My Father in Law loves southern style foods, and is also a fan of Larry the Cable Guy (don't even ask me why. I can't figure that one out...). Every time I see these items it reminds me of him. So I finally broke down and bought them for him. .99 cents per box. Not a bad deal for Father's Day.

My Dad loves to cook. He really loves to BBQ. So for Father's Day I made him a BBQ Lover's Basket. It includes a bag of chicharrones, hickory chips, kitchen towel, 2 bottles BBQ sauce, Corn Cob holders, tongs, BBQ brush, hot dog basket, BBQ fork, and a spatula, all wrapped in cello in an aluminum pan. Approximate cost of $10.00 for this one. Again, not too shabby!

So, what frugal gifts are you giving for Father's Day?

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