
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Menu Monday (Lost Cause Edition...)

Okay, this week is pretty much a lost cause for me. Between both of my boys playing baseball this year, our evenings have been so out of whack. Seriously...

Monday~ Little League game. Grabbed dinner @ the drive through on the way home.
Tuesday~ Baseball practice. (still haven't had time to get to the grocery store... wonder what I can scrape up for dinner?)
Wednesday~ Another Little League game. Should be able to go to the store in the morning. Antipasto Salad.
There's olives in there too, but apparently I buried them.

Thursday~ ANOTHER Little League game. (Ugh!!) Hopefully I can get to the store, and we'll have BLT's after the game.
Friday~ Pizza Night
Saturday~ This is my Big Boy's 8th Birthday. His dinner choice was steak from the grill, baked beans, salad & breadsticks.

Sunday~ Dinner at my parents house.

So what are you eating this week???